Ever feel like you just don’t have a firm grip on your life and you’re not sure what your next step should be?
Perhaps you’re just spinning your wheels not taking any action – even though you believe you know what you “should” be doing?
- Can’t figure out why you’re not more motivated to create your dream life/business?
- Tired of watching yourself procrastinate in taking action to create that new business you’ve wanted (or anything else for that matter)?
- Something always getting in the way of taking the action you need to change your life?
- Does overwhelm set in when you start to think about setting goals?
I get it – I’ve been there, and more than once (believe me)! We all go through periods of time like this but rather than suffering through an extended period of time feeling bad about yourself – it’s much more productive to be able to move past these glitches with grace and ease.
Fortunately there’s a solution, and I’d love to be able to share the very tools and strategies I found to be successful in my life.
That’s why I created this webinar – so that YOU could benefit from MY messes!
Sheri, who should attend this webinar?
Anyone who wants to deepen their level of commitment (involvement or engagement) ton create the dream life they’ve always desired.
Okay – so what am I going to learn?
By the end of this feisty webinar you’ll have learned how to identify the sneaky mental perspectives hiding behind the self-sabotaging strategies of:
+ lack of motivation!
Even better – you’ll have systems you can immediately put into place to move past the BIG FOUR – those annoying behaviors that make you feel like you are stuck in the muck. (Don’t you feel better already?)
It’s time to get those dream-derailing behaviors and negative thought-forms under control so that you can be fully committed and focused in creating your best life.
Seriously – wouldn’t it be fabulous to be able to have a plan in place to be able to deal with this kind of mental nonsense (just like the gal in the picture)?? Imagine having the feeling of overwhelm, avoidance or procrastination, and knowing exactly what to do to move past it rather than succumbing to it! Ahhhh…
Yes! What do I need to do to join in?
Register RIGHT Now To Secure Your Seat +
Mark Your Calendar For
Tuesday May 21st @ 8pm EST/5pm PST