Do you have the mind-set for success?

Vision in business

Something’s been bothering me lately. It’s the number of people who don’t really believe that they can make a living doing what they love.

I’m talking about those folks who don’t even bother trying because they don’t believe they can generate an income equal what they’re currently making at their job.

Then there are also those who have actually started a business – but they just don’t know how to monitize it properly. Eventually the both groups end up discouraged, a bit resentful, and often end up quitting – sometimes before they even get started!

To me that’s truly awful. I spent 16 years of my life doing something I was really good at (but wasn’t my passion) and consider myself on a mission to end that kind of mediocrity.

For those of you who are not familiar – I was a podiatrist who had a very lucrative practice and decided to let that go to jump into the  unknown – not just once – but twice!

Let me explain.

After selling my practice I became an apprentice of don Miguel Ruiz, author of the NY Times best-selling book The Four Agreements. It changed my life and I decided I would teach that work which I did for over 8 years. But then something inside was saying it was time to move on and jump into the unknown yet again.

I realized that most of the folks I was working with had no clue how to run a business and teaching them The Four Agreements alone could not help them with that aspect of their life. (It helped with the mind-set part but not the practical biz part.)

I realized that because I’d been in business my whole life – I could offer so much more if I moved beyond the framework I had created for myself.

So last year I relaunched my website and branding to allow myself to be able to share what I have in my heart most authentically and began creating a whole new tribe of awesome heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to live their most audacious dream life.

If I can do this and make a living at it (and a nice living: meaning thriving not surviving), so can you. It’s actually not hard – but it does take time, dedication, focus, and a clear PLAN that creates income. If you’re not taking actions that have the potential to create income – you’re wasting your time.

By that I mean spending too much time in the details, working on your website, blogging, organizing your desk, avoiding speaking to potential clients, answering emails, surfing Facebook – you get the idea – it isn’t going to work!

So the bottom line is you’ve got to change your mind-set for success and break the belief that others can do it but not you – and stop any and all self-sabotaging activities.

I believe we live in an abundant universe. I believe that there is no such thing as competition. I believe you can have anything you want in this life.

And most of all, I believe in you. 🙂

Your Rx for Success,


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